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  3. Samsung Electronics NX Mini EV-NXF1ZZB1QUS Wireless Smart 20.5MP Compact System Camera with 2.96" LCD and 9mm f3.5 ED (Pink)

Samsung Electronics NX Mini EV-NXF1ZZB1QUS Wireless Smart 20.5MP Compact System Camera with 2.96" LCD and 9mm f3.5 ED (Pink)

Love it...I used the pink because it's the cheapest...$225! ...I already have the nx 3000, nx 300 and NX1. This is the funnest of them all as it's very portable compared to the other 3 but still gives very good picture quality. Love the touchscreen and the foldable one Screen... it's so useful not only for selfies but also for taking videos. I got the one with the 9mm lens so it's quite small and easily fits in my pocket. The build quality is amazing for the price, the low light quality is pretty amazing too... usable up to ISO 6400 for me! The wifi implementation is amazing too. My suggestion for improvement: - Set the auto ISO to the maximum... now it's only up to 3200 - Make a smart filter to mimic bokeh like using an f1.4 lens... very shallow depth of field. Now it's got the miniature filter... it's pretty good for bokeh, but not "blurry" enough. Better yet, it might offer a bokeh adjustment for how blurry you want it to be! Well, that would be a great one Filter!- Make a digital ND filter so we could shoot like a waterfall in daylight with a slow shutter speed!- Better still provide OIS for the lens in the camera, just like the Sony!and do 9mm but with f 2.0 ..I bet it will sell like a hot cake!- Also make the screen tilt back.or the screen could be rotated 180 degrees!The idea is to be able to see the screen from a high angle. At the moment it's quite difficult to see the screen if you want to shoot from a high angle! - Make the screen OLED/higher contrast and flush to the edge. .at the moment there is quite a black bar between the visible screen and the screen itself.- Make the video 1080p with 60p or better yet 2K- Make the social media integration more seamless, especially with YouTube..I've tried trying to login youtube from camera and it doesn't work ..it says wrong pw or id... turns out google has some security measure to prevent you from not logging in through google site (third party app ) logged in. I got an email from Google saying I need to "activate" myself from a third party, still couldn't log in. Probably I have to wait a few more minutes/hours? But this really is an amazing little handheld camera. ...I feel like this one belongs everywhere because it's small enough to take with you!

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